me and my fmly went for holiday at Cameron Highlands, Pahang (Malaysia)
i like the place there...cus its cool and so peaceful..
i would rather spent my entire life there..haha
we went to strawberry park, tea farm, cactus farm and so many more..
there was so much different since the i left the place in 2007..
but still...i love the place...
u can see people grow vegetables everywhere..
however, the intention of this entry is to talk about "strawberry scone" which we had for our tea..
the strawberry scones are so delicious and i would say that it is the most delicious scones i ever had...
its melt in your mouth..and the strawberry makes it more tastier...
im shocked to know that the shop are so simple, very, there were less local there instead i saw tourists...
at 1 corner of the shop, there are letters from foreign customers who says that they missed the scones...the tourists appreciates our local shop rather than the local itself..
im so lucky to know this shop..cus all the home-made recipes are sooooooooo tasty...
i would recommend to those who will go to Cameron Highland to stop by at this shop..
and hav a taste of their very own strawberry scone, apple pie and strawberry cheesecake...
seriuosly...TRY IT and im sure u will not regret it..
im surely gona miss the taste of strawberry scones and strawberry cheesecake from T-Cafe
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